Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Where does the time go?

I know that teachers and other advice-givers always say that one of the biggest things about college is time management. I really wish they taught a course on it. I guess I'm not horrible, I just feel like I can't fit everything in. I'm so thankful that i'm not a drinker and I don't go to parties. I don't understand how people can find time to do that and still function. I'm a little stressed between the clubs I'm in and all the school work.

Reading- I feel like this term pretty much defines my life right now. That's all I do (not by choice). All my assignments seem to be readings, either out of a textbook or separate book. It's killin me, I never knew there would be so much reading to do as a bio major. Thank heavens i'm not an english major! It's not that I don't like reading persay, but I'd much rather sit down with a calculator and figure some stuff out, or learn the parts of the body. Oh well, what can ya do right?

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